Gippsland Learn Local Teachers and Tutors.

The Strengthening Pathways for Adult Learners in Gippsland (SPALG) project funds a dedicated specialist who is there to help Gippsland Learn Local teachers design innovative programs, develop resources, and provide training and mentoring support for their teachers in delivering new programs.

  • Kickstart your Career in Health: this is an award winning a 120 hour pre-employment program developed in partnership with Central Gippsland Health. You can watch this video to find out more:

  • Kickstart your Career in Digital Marketing: this 35 hour course designed in collaboration with our partner Think.Digital, gives participants and overview of careers and tools available in digital marketing .

  • Tools to put your small business online: A short 45 hour course that gives you a comprehensive overview of what you need to do and know when putting a small business online.

  • Kickstart your Career in Disability Support: our project has responded to the roll-out of the NDIS by developing 2 courses (120 hours or 90 hours) and all the resources needed to make

  • Drones - the new digital literacy: this course was developed through a Capacity and Innovation Fund (CAIF) grant, and provides priority cohorts with a good grounding on the rules and regulations around operating a drone, as well as hands on experience in learning the basics. Participants also have opportunity to hone their skills in flying and aerial photography.

  • Plus many more in key skills areas including: commercial cleaning, digital technology, employment skills, hospitality, tourism, floristry, trades, work readiness, customer service, retail, horticulture, financial literacy.

Online / blended learning

Gippsland Learn Locals also have access to Moodle, the Victorian government supported online learning platform. We can arrange for you to gain access to the Moodle and provide you with mentoring support to set up a course and use the online materials in class, for homework, or online.

For more information or if you would like to be a part of the SEVConnect Moodle, please contact us.

Community of Practice

All our Gippsland teachers are welcome to join in any of our Community of Practice meetings. Please join so that you can stay informed of our events and activities, or regularly visit the News section on this website!


We partnered with Think.Digital to roll out a series of courses and professional development opportunities in next generation digital literacy courses that cover a range of topics such as virtual and augmented reality, digital marketing, ecommerce and a whole lot more.

You can view the #GippslandDigital project and like the Facebook Page.

Want more information?

To gain access to some of the programs and resources listed that we have developed and/or contributed to over the past 18 month, contact us or go to the Additional Resources page.