Learn Local Gippsland

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What’s Your Pathway? Scott’s Story

For 52 year old Learn Local participant Scott, a single year changed his life forever.

“I had run a successful boat mechanic business for 27 years,” Scott said. “But I was ready to take on something totally different to the field I was in.

“I didn’t know what I wanted to do exactly. I like people - caring about them, communicating with them… I thought that might lead me somewhere.”

Then, Scott stumbled upon the Upskill to Disability course at the Learn Local Traralgon Neighbourhood Learning House after a suggestion from his partner.

“That’s where it all started,” Scott said. “I found the course really helpful and informative, I learned so much. Importantly, the course gave us real insight into whether we would like the industry or not.

“As part of the Upskill program, I was able to complete two days of Placement at Interchange in Morwell. I really liked that - it spurred me on. I realized that I wanted to be around the guys and make a difference in their lives. I thought, this is something I am meant to do.”

For Scott, the Learn Local experience was life changing.

“In 12 months, I have left an industry I was in since I was 16 and discovered what I want to do for the rest of my career.

“Today I am working in the disability sector and currently undertaking the Certificate IV in Disability. I am really enjoying what I am doing. I am making a difference to people’s lives. I think I found my calling.

“Learn Local gave me the tools to get there. They guided me through something I wasn’t sure that I wanted to do. At the end of it, I was firm in my decision and had what I needed to move forward. It has been very rewarding.”

When asked if he would recommend the Learn Local experience to other people, Scott didn’t hesitate.

“I would definitely recommend the Upskill program, even for people who aren’t sure if that’s exactly what they want to do,” he said. “The skills that you learn are so transferrable. As part of the course, we completed First Aid training, which is important in many industries. For me, that gave me some qualifications and that really helped me with my job.”

As part of his career change journey, Scott also connected with the Skills and Jobs Centres, who regularly partner with Learn Local on employment skills programs. The Skills and Jobs Centres are a government-funded initiative that provides careers and training advice to help people on their jobs pathway.

“It was very helpful. Being self-employed for 17 years, I didn’t have a resume when I left the industry I was in. I contacted the Skills and Jobs Centre and they guided me through the process of writing an effective resume. I went to see one of the Careers Counsellors there, too, and they pointed me in the right direction. After that, I discovered the Upskillcourse.”

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